The Glen Peak Trailhead is located at the north end of Swan Lake Flat just south of Rustic Falls and is the beginning place for access to several other trails. Shortly into the trail (.2-mile) you will pass the Howard Eaton Trail, the Fawn Pass Trail (2.2-miles), the Snow Pass Trail (2.4-miles), the Sepulcher Mountain Trail, and the Cache Lake Trail (5.2-mile) before it junctions with the Sportsman Lake Trail and the Electric Peak-Southeast Ridge Trail. The first section of the trail was the path used by wagons traveling between Norris and Mammoth via Snow Pass. The current road through Golden Gate Canyon was later built in the 1880’s.
From the Snow Pass Trail junction, the trail follows along Glen Creek, soon to begin a 700-foot climb over the next 4 miles. In route, you will pass the Sepulcher Mountain Trail junction and continue to follow Glen Creek upstream passing a trail marker to Cache Lake at the roughly 5-mile mark before ending at a junction with the Electric Peak-Southeast Ridge Trail and the Sportsman Lake Trail.